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Thread: Events Calendar

  1. #1
    A Mighty Pirate!
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    Default Events Calendar

    This is intended to be both an events roster and a means of organizing volunteers to host events. So if you're interested in leading an event (looking mainly for NCOs. If you aren't an NCO, you should consult a SGT before volunteering to host an event, so we ensure someone is there to assist with the server, etc), read below to find the format and make a post in this thread so you can be added to the schedule.

    Events help not only improve morale, but it also helps us grow as a community, since we can't always be on to play with everyone. It also gives us a chance to have a little fun. But the opposite side of that coin is the responsibility entailed with volunteering. Do not volunteer to host an event you can't follow through with. To make things easier, the schedule below shows event slots for the next three months.

    Event Calendar Link

    Want to host an event of your own? Pick a time and day that there is likely to be many people on, and preferably give players 2-3 weeks notice before your event so they have time to adjust for their schedule. Come find any Cpl+ to run the back end administration of your event!

    Event Name
    Your name (& Platoon Lead+ co-host if needed)
    Month & Day @ Time (in eastern time)
    Forum link or any other pertinent information


    Should an NCO wish to host our weekly events but can't think of any unique ideas for that week, then pull from this pool of ideas. Each one of these has been a big hit.
    The basic outline of how it works will be listed under each idea. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask someone who has run it before or a Cpl+.
    Please note, when running an event, set the server to private and set an easy to remember password, such as Nerds.


    1) Zombie Attack

    Author: Unknown
    Map & Mode: Conquest small - Op locker

    Description: Two teams, The Zombies and the humans. The Zombie team starts off with about 3 or 4 zombies. The rest of the people go onto the Human side.
    The rules are simple. Zombies may only use knives, where as the humans are limited to shotguns. If a zombie is killed, he re-spawns. If a human manages to get knifed by a zombie, it is assumed he is bitten begins his new zombie career of trying to eat the defenders brains. If a zombie gets “counter-knifed,” they are considered to have been “cured” and can respawn as humans. Knifed players do not respawn until they are moved and call out in chat to be moved. (NCO hosting the event will have to watch for this and do an in game !move for the person).

    Weapons: Zombies - knives ; Humans - shotguns.

    Team objectives:
    Zombies: Convert all the Humans
    Defenders: Kill all Zombies/Convert them to Humans.

    Limitations: None.

    2) Enemy at the Gates

    Author: Jerry
    Map & Mode: Conquest small - Zavod 311

    Description: Optics only. Hardcore mode. No 3d spotting, no pld. No range finder or lasers. Mid Range scopes only. M1911 pistols, no attachments. Teamkilling gets both members removed. No vehicles. Stealth, cover, quiet wins here. No pick up guns. You may operate in two or three man sniper scout squads and use squad chat. The only rifle allowed is the SV98.
    No tactical comms via TS3 allowed, only to announce your death. Quiet, right?
    Flank, cover, silence is the key. Make your shot count, and then move, because your gun just made a huge BOOM. Obviously no suppressors, they didn't exist in 1943 Stalingrad.

    Weapons: M1911, SV-98.

    Team objectives:
    All: Be the last alive.

    Limitations: Sv-98 - No range finder or lasers. No suppressors. Mid Range scopes only. M1911 - no attachments. No gadgets.

    3) Rambo

    Author: Lephtnut
    Map & Mode: Conquest - Any

    Description: One person is (Rambo), everyone else on the other team playing as police trying to stop him. Rambo gets a chance to set up in a spot of his choice and the other team tries to find and kill him. He will be free to use anything in his arsenal but the police will be limited to a single pre-chosen pistol. Live police can communicate through TS3 - but remember, Rambo can hear you!. If Rambo is able to slay all of his pursuers then he is the victor. If a police officer kills Rambo then that officer will be Rambo for the next round.

    Weapons: Rambo - Any. Police - Designated pistol.

    Team objectives:
    Rambo: Survive undiscovered or eliminate all police.
    Police: Eliminate Rambo.

    Limitations: None.

    4) The Rock

    Author: Syphon
    Map & Mode: Conquest - Op Locker

    Description: A team of a few prisoners (depending on number of participants) will start at a designated location and have to move through the map to the extraction point. The other team, Guards, will be placed throughout the map, the guards will be stationary and must prevent the prisoners from escaping. (Must stay in their designated room/area). The team of prisoners that makes it the farthest will earn bragging rights.

    Weapons: Prisoners - knives . Guards - Shotguns & Pistols.

    Team objectives:
    Prisoners: Escape or eliminate all guards.
    Police: Prevent the prisoners from escaping.

    Limitations: None.

    5) HVT Escort

    Author: Tboose7
    Map & Mode: Conquest - Full tickets (400%)

    Description: One team will be the ambushers. The other team will be an elite protection service for an HVT. Protectors must make their way from spawn to a designated Landing Zone, where a flare or smoke grenade will be thrown and the transport heli will be landed for extraction. Upon reaching the LZ and signaling the chopper, respawns are not allowed. The protectors then load the helicopter and allow it to take off. Once the HVT is above the rooftops he is considered extracted and safe. Protectors can use IFV's, small vehicle transports, or foot to transport the HVT. The ambushing team can set up their "roadblock" wherever they would like between spawn and the LZ.

    Weapons: All; HVT can only use a pistol.

    Team objectives:
    Ambushers: Kill HVT
    Protectors: Extract HVT to Landing Zone (LZ), and allow the chopper to take off.

    Only limitation: HVT can only use a pistol.

    6) VIP Extraction

    Author: Unknown
    Map & Mode: Conquest - Shanghai full tickets (400%)

    Description: One team will have a majority of the players, they will be the defending army. Team two will be a small elite unit with one member positioned randomly in the city. Evac team must first locate, then escort the VIP to the top of the large building (the sky bar). Once there, they must hail the transport helicopter by throwing flares or smoke grenades. To complete their mission, they must transport the VIP safely back to their spawn. If the VIP dies the round is over and the defending team wins (this includes the helo being shot down).

    Weapons (Suggested): Defending army - CN Weapons. Evac - US Weapons.

    Team objectives:
    Defenders: Prevent VIP evac/Eliminate VIP.
    Evac: Locate VIP, escort to LZ, transport to safe zone.

    Limitations: None.

    7) Wrecking Ball

    Author: Unknown
    Map & Mode: Conquest - Shanghai 100 tickets

    Description: Using only thrown explosives (C4, grenades, slams) the attacking team attempts to bring down the Skyscraper on Shanghai. No vehicles. Spawn beacons are allowed. Hardcore mode recommended.
    The defending team is also limited to only thrown explosives.
    If the building is collapsed, the time is noted. Teams are then switched and the round repeated. The shortest time to demolition wins. If the first team fails, the sides are switched and demolition at any time results in victory.

    Weapons: Thrown explosives.

    Team objectives:
    Attackers: Destroy all 4 pillars in the fastest time..
    Defenders: Prevent the pillars from being destroyed.

    Limitations: None.

    8) Transport Jousting

    Author: Unknown
    Map & Mode: Conquest - Rogue/Silk Road - Fast Vehicle Respawn.

    Description: Two people get mounted on a transport vehicle. The driver’s job is to drive around and past enemy drivers. Person riding tandem to the driver gets a dumb fire rocket launcher... His job is to blow up the enemy transport. Exiting vehicles is not allowed. Go down with your bike. :)

    Weapons: Dumb fire rockets.

    Team objectives:
    All: Blow S#*! up

    Limitations: No exiting vehicles.

    9) Soccer!

    Author: tdestir
    Map & Mode: Oblit - Hardcore.

    Description: Two points are picked on a map and set as goal lines. One person is assigned to be the goalie on each goal and these people are not to be fired at or killed. Though they can fire at you. Once the bomb is retrieved, the carrier (pre designated) gets it and bring it to the center of the virtual field. Teams line up like an official faceoff. The goal is simple, cross the virtual line of the goalie to score a point for your team. Yes, you can be killed and you may kill those around you though try not to kill your teammates! each squad on a team will set up a beacon around the center of the field. These are not to be destroyed.
    NCO will be keeping score of the points and, should he so choose, do a "sports" narration of the proceeding events. Recommendation is to have the vent channel muted for the event with only the NCO being allowed to speak. Squads make use of your squad chat!

    Weapons: All.

    Team objectives:
    All: Cross the virtual goal line with the bomb

    Limitations: None.

    10) No Whammy No Whammy No Whammy! (google Press Your Luck Gameshow)

    Author: bamafan
    Map & Mode: Any

    Description: Pick your favorite weapon. Make the WORST, shittiest primary weapon combo you can think of (40x scopes, suppressors, bipod in a CQB map, etc). When you kill someone, you take their kit. You pray that you can even use the damned kit to kill someone. Feel free to give them shitty, useless gadgets. Make them regret killing you and taking your kit. If you get killed, that person grabs your kit. Laugh and laugh when they piss and moan when they get a really shitty primary weapon.

    *edit from tboose*- works really well on rush.

    Weapons: any really crappy weapon combo you can think of.

    Team objectives:
    All: play the game as usual.

    Limitations: None.

    11) Lord of the Bombs (Rings)

    Author: Apses
    Map & Mode: Oblit - Shanghai

    Description: The Fellowship starts with the bomb (ring) in their spawn and in order to win the round climbs the tower (Mount Doom) and jumps off, sacrificing themself for the fate of the world. (That’s right Gollum, no walking away from this one. The defending team (army of sauron) takes up position in or around the tower in order to win they must bring the ring back to their spawn (Sauron)

    Weapons: All.

    Team objectives:
    Fellowship: take the ring to the Top of Mount Doom (the tower) and jump off (AND SUICIDE).
    Sauron’s Minions: Re-acquire the ring and return it to your master (Spawn)

    Limitations: No vehicles. Leave your flying eagles at home. Spawn on beacons only.

    11) Vietnam Assault

    Author: Siegmier/tboose
    Map & Mode: Conquest - Vietnam themed maps, full tickets (400%), 20/30 min game.

    Description: The Vietcong owns all the points on the map. The US marines have to invade the map and take all the points. The VC win by having at least 1 point at the end of the timer. US wins by capturing all the points on the map. To prevent the game from becoming a “round robin” of capturing, once the VC loses a point, the only way to recapture a point is if a VC is already there. (i.e. dont leave B to go recapture A). No tanks/attack vehicles for the VC.

    Weapons: Listed here:

    Team objectives:
    VC: Hold the fort until the timer runs out.
    US: Capture all of the points on the map.

    Limitations: VC cannot recap points after they are lost (unless someone is hiding there), and only era weapons.

    Last edited by redse7en; 11-19-2016 at 11:25 AM. Reason: updated

  2. #2
    Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo! EvilStromboli's Avatar
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    Is this where we're posting Event ideas now or make a separate thread?

  3. #3
    A Mighty Pirate!
    AOD_Guybrush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AOD_EvilStromboli View Post
    Is this where we're posting Event ideas now or make a separate thread?
    You can post ideas here, but ideally events should have a separate thread to garner interest, explain rules, etc

  4. #4
    Foxtrot, Unicorn, Charlie, Kilo Neotoad's Avatar
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    Proposing the Great Amphibious Race for 9 pm Friday, Oct. 14. Original idea here: I will have to modify the format a bit. As per your suggestion, Red, we will shoot for 12 with a few backup players. We will also need refs! (Me and a NCO+?)

    R7 EDIT: Keeping post around for possible future ideas for BF1 - And to remind ourselves that Neotoad was interesting in hosting his own events :)
    Last edited by redse7en; 11-14-2016 at 06:28 PM.

  5. #5
    If I misread it wrong did I read it right? Kathbris's Avatar
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    Hey everyone,

    We have set-up some rotating game mode nights for the next couple weeks, so check out the events calendar.
    This is a trial and is subject to change depending on popularity and our ability to manage our servers. We will be rotating modes so to keep the game mode nights fresh as we go through the weeks.
    Let your friends know about our game mode nights and invite them all over to play with AOD.

  6. #6
    Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue Bwanaaa's Avatar
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    So I go to the calendar and it adds the event to my Google calendar. It lists the location with the word Aod stomping ground. And next to that google's AI has inserted a link named 'map'. I click on the link and it takes me to New York City. Too funny.

  7. #7
    I get enough exercise just pushing my luck Narphalex's Avatar
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    I'm interested in running a training event to assist players in learning some tactics with armor and with how to get yourself into a really competent area with tanks, planes and how to counter said vehicles as well. Concerning this I will do most of the work but considering I am not an officer I will need one to basically host the event as the event runner. Now for this it's not my first rodeo for events or training sessions at all as I have run several in the past with decent success. Now for this it would be the perfect situation for a junior officer to get some great experience in running an event for the first time with some training wheels or for a more seasoned lance to get a training session under their belt (which is more involved than a regular event) now this isn't going to happen for a minimum until the beginning of may due to my work schedule and I will be out of country for 8 days starting on the 22nd haha. So plenty of time to think on it and ask questions of me for it and pitch some ideas for what you might want to add to the event also. Now for the event I am proposing the below in rough sketch form when everything has been set (i.e. Date content, presenters, time frame, and who will stream or not) then we will get a more concrete post with graphics explanations and such up and on the forums for sign ups

    Proposed content and est time frames

    Tank tactics and situations (primary content 45 mins)
    Plane tactics (basics 15 - 20 mins)
    Anti aircraft tactics (basic ground to air from tanks 20 minutes)
    Anti tank tactics (15 minutes)

    Now firstly these are rough estimates. Training sessions however have been know to greatly go over time because of questions, technical errors or malfunctions and are generally long because people tend to get in depth. If any of you know me I am a perfectionist when it comes to explaining things and I can drone on haha. So I would say for something like this going over a couple areas because shooting planes down in tanks and flying planes goes hand in hand (teaching counter tanking and how to properly avoid them is critical to learning how to shoot them down) because to shoot a plane down you need to know how they fly most of he time. The rest is how to get timing, trajectory, shot yield and how to lead targets to get the shots in point. Now in the time between getting the training session set up I'll get together a written version with information on how to do it on paper but a recorded version will be provided of the training at the end of the session and posted on the forums :)

    So there's the short version, I have received a lot of interest and requests for this as people think tankers like myself and zed are routine hackers with the rediculous shots we pull off on aircraft and the level of support we can field in a single tank. So figured spread the knowledge and bring he steel army to AOD. Let me know what you guys think and as above I would like to extend the offer to junior lance cpls first and lance cpls in general as this is an awesome experience to learn from for future leadership roles and to run more complex events in the future of their own design

    Thanks :)

  8. #8
    mors aut honorabilis vita digitzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AOD_Narphalex View Post
    I'm interested in running a training event to assist players in learning some tactics with armor and with how to get yourself into a really competent area with tanks, planes and how to counter said vehicles as well. Concerning this I will do most of the work but considering I am not an officer I will need one to basically host the event as the event runner. Now for this it's not my first rodeo for events or training sessions at all as I have run several in the past with decent success. Now for this it would be the perfect situation for a junior officer to get some great experience in running an event for the first time with some training wheels or for a more seasoned lance to get a training session under their belt (which is more involved than a regular event) now this isn't going to happen for a minimum until the beginning of may due to my work schedule and I will be out of country for 8 days starting on the 22nd haha. So plenty of time to think on it and ask questions of me for it and pitch some ideas for what you might want to add to the event also. Now for the event I am proposing the below in rough sketch form when everything has been set (i.e. Date content, presenters, time frame, and who will stream or not) then we will get a more concrete post with graphics explanations and such up and on the forums for sign ups

    Proposed content and est time frames

    Tank tactics and situations (primary content 45 mins)
    Plane tactics (basics 15 - 20 mins)
    Anti aircraft tactics (basic ground to air from tanks 20 minutes)
    Anti tank tactics (15 minutes)

    Now firstly these are rough estimates. Training sessions however have been know to greatly go over time because of questions, technical errors or malfunctions and are generally long because people tend to get in depth. If any of you know me I am a perfectionist when it comes to explaining things and I can drone on haha. So I would say for something like this going over a couple areas because shooting planes down in tanks and flying planes goes hand in hand (teaching counter tanking and how to properly avoid them is critical to learning how to shoot them down) because to shoot a plane down you need to know how they fly most of he time. The rest is how to get timing, trajectory, shot yield and how to lead targets to get the shots in point. Now in the time between getting the training session set up I'll get together a written version with information on how to do it on paper but a recorded version will be provided of the training at the end of the session and posted on the forums :)

    So there's the short version, I have received a lot of interest and requests for this as people think tankers like myself and zed are routine hackers with the rediculous shots we pull off on aircraft and the level of support we can field in a single tank. So figured spread the knowledge and bring he steel army to AOD. Let me know what you guys think and as above I would like to extend the offer to junior lance cpls first and lance cpls in general as this is an awesome experience to learn from for future leadership roles and to run more complex events in the future of their own design

    Thanks :)
    I really like this idea we should really consider this because some might learn some new tricks. Which could enhance their bf experience and only make the game more fun to play

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    If I'm not back in 5....wait longer! Acepilot302's Avatar
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    I Agree, Sound interesting and fun, plus it might be good for some people that might be new to battlefield.

  10. #10
    Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue littleghetti's Avatar
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    I might be interested in listening on what you have to say about the tank training

  11. #11
    If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn? Alopeak's Avatar
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    Could we do a front lines event? That would be cool.

  12. #12
    Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo! Rammrox's Avatar
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    Ya frontlines would be cool!

  13. #13
    Banned from Forums DezLS9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AOD_Narphalex View Post

    I'm interested in running a training event to assist players in learning some tactics with armor and with how to get yourself into a really competent area with tanks, planes and how to counter said vehicles as well. Concerning this I will do most of the work but considering I am not an officer I will need one to basically host the event as the event runner. Now for this it's not my first rodeo for events or training sessions at all as I have run several in the past with decent success. Now for this it would be the perfect situation for a junior officer to get some great experience in running an event for the first time with some training wheels or for a more seasoned lance to get a training session under their belt (which is more involved than a regular event) now this isn't going to happen for a minimum until the beginning of may due to my work schedule and I will be out of country for 8 days starting on the 22nd haha. So plenty of time to think on it and ask questions of me for it and pitch some ideas for what you might want to add to the event also. Now for the event I am proposing the below in rough sketch form when everything has been set (i.e. Date content, presenters, time frame, and who will stream or not) then we will get a more concrete post with graphics explanations and such up and on the forums for sign ups

    Proposed content and est time frames

    Tank tactics and situations (primary content 45 mins)
    Plane tactics (basics 15 - 20 mins)
    Anti aircraft tactics (basic ground to air from tanks 20 minutes)
    Anti tank tactics (15 minutes)

    Now firstly these are rough estimates. Training sessions however have been know to greatly go over time because of questions, technical errors or malfunctions and are generally long because people tend to get in depth. If any of you know me I am a perfectionist when it comes to explaining things and I can drone on haha. So I would say for something like this going over a couple areas because shooting planes down in tanks and flying planes goes hand in hand (teaching counter tanking and how to properly avoid them is critical to learning how to shoot them down) because to shoot a plane down you need to know how they fly most of he time. The rest is how to get timing, trajectory, shot yield and how to lead targets to get the shots in point. Now in the time between getting the training session set up I'll get together a written version with information on how to do it on paper but a recorded version will be provided of the training at the end of the session and posted on the forums :)

    So there's the short version, I have received a lot of interest and requests for this as people think tankers like myself and zed are routine hackers with the rediculous shots we pull off on aircraft and the level of support we can field in a single tank. So figured spread the knowledge and bring he steel army to AOD. Let me know what you guys think and as above I would like to extend the offer to junior lance cpls first and lance cpls in general as this is an awesome experience to learn from for future leadership roles and to run more complex events in the future of their own design

    Thanks :)


    I like this idea better. Count me in.
    Last edited by DezLS9; 06-26-2018 at 11:39 PM.

  14. #14
    I Drink and I Know Things AOD Member AOD_PhoenixATL's Avatar
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    I know some of these modes are probably from BF4, I wonder with BFV coming, if we can do kind of the same thing. It will be interesting to see!

  15. #15
    Can I have your Tots Carferncs10's Avatar
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    Lets gooo!!!

  16. #16
    Can I have your Tots AOD Member AOD_Jdat2488's Avatar
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    looking forward to it

  17. #17
    Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo! SilverBack's Avatar
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    Wow!!! I am stoked and chomping at the bitt for this event. Thank you MrSoker for the privilege of being able to attend. Boots on the ground.

    Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk


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