My bunnies ate my cords
My bunnies ate my cords
If you have a soldering iron and some wire, you can easily solder in some replacement wires.
Other than that, logitech has a few decent speaker systems
I am currently using these. Probably the best speakers I've used for desktop that include a subwoofer and don't cost over 40$
Have you thought about getting a semi decent set of headphones instead? i picked a good set of gaming headphones with virtual 7.1 and bass vibration, i don't use my desktop speakers anymore..................
I've got this little speaker that I bought from Wal-Mart for like $20. The brand is G-boom or something like that. It can actually go pretty loud, and sounds great.
Thanks all. I settled on a Cyber Acoustics CA-3001 3 Piece w/sub for under $20. Should meet my needs.
lol at bunnies eating cords. Back in the day my friend's bunnies ate my gamecube controller cords. They were so cute I wasn't even mad, plus I bought myself a wavebird after so it wouldn't happen again.
The best way to deal with the bunnies eating cables issue, is to simply teach the bunnies how to use the computer. Once they understand how to use it, they will realize that there the various components serve a purpose, and thus will intrinsically understand what to do, and what not to do with the components.