hey, i met a AOD named AutumnPoptart in Warframe a couple days ago. he told me to sign up, so I did. I was wondering if i could talk to some AODs about the clan, to see if its what im looking for, as well as talking about some of the games you guys play? Part of why im looking is my Clan im currently in, is nearly dead. I currently consider myself a floater cuz i like to play several games, not just one :P

I currently play Warframe, ArcheAge, Planetside 2, Firefall

So, that being said, my Warframe Name is Shadowkaster187 and my Planetside 2 is Cinos1NC cuz i currently play on that side with a buddy. My Firefall is Shadowkaster and my Archage is on the Inoch server and my name is Shadowkaster which i also play with about 4 or so people.

Im also available on Steam to talk to as well. my Steam is http://steamcommunity.com/id/Sonic_Cinos

Hope i provided enough info to get a hold of me :p at any rate, I look forward to talking to you guys :p

P.S. sorry if this is the wrong thread, wasn't sure where to post