Just started a course in Java any seasoned veterans have a book they would recommend ?
Just started a course in Java any seasoned veterans have a book they would recommend ?
dang i thought coffee was popular :P
Absolute java from Walter Savich,at least this is what we had at the second year
I learned using various guides and have continued since then but I mostly got my start with Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel. I would not recommend it if you're a programming neophyte though.
Both the 4th and 3rd edition are a bit outdated (2006 - SE5 and 2002 - SE1.4) but are still applicable. You can download the entire 3rd edition for free on his site.
Disclaimer: I already knew several procedural languages and some OO basics before using it. I had a vague idea of Java syntax from the 2 weeks of college classwork that touched on it - but really that could have been accomplished with pattern repetiton.
It depends on what you want to learn about. I've gone through Java textbooks talking about the OOP aspect, as well as textbooks that go through various data structures and algorithms written in Java.
This one seems to basically be along the lines of this is java, this is a "Method" this is a "Variable" excetera and exercises on each chapter.
Tony Gaddis is a pretty good Author, I have his java book from one of my earlier CS courses. But, if you want something free and a really entertaining voice to listen to thenewboston's java tutorials are really good and if you make it through his intermediate playlist you'll eventually learn about socket programming(programming used for networks) and you'll make an instant messenger with a GUI. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJb...H1njbqV-D5HqKw
Let me find out what my wife used in college when she was going for website design.
Let me know if you need anything and I will do my best to help or find someone for you.
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Been working with Java for a while, bought tons of books and honestly, the best thing is to get your information from the web. There are plenty of manuals out there and tech help when needed.
That's basically how I got through all my programing modules at Uni. C#, C++, C, Java and the SQL databases. I tended to stumble across a problem and/or a way of doing things and then just google it. Example: 'How to use an array java'. Not sure how it is across the pond but I had enough time to work through and build my programs and paperwork slowly like that. That and the internet can be in depth or in laymans terms (what I needed).
Can't recommend many areas of programming without mentioning Deitel. I highly recommend the first two online/dvd courses and this associated book:
Get Eclipse it is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It works like Microsoft Word with on screen signals when you do something wrong. It lets you see your syntax mistakes before compiling. It can be cumbersome to move code from one machine to another, but for just learning it is incredible. I used it myself for several computer science classes, and ima still getting A's.
SublimeText for the win! http://www.sublimetext.com
Intellij IDEA is pretty much the best IDE; Eclipse has it's issues. You might want to consider Spring's modified version of Eclipse if you do a lot of Spring development.