Save the whales. Collect the whole set
The Order of Lenin?
..I am pretty sure this will reward me with the Order of Lenin, donīt you think?
Couldnīt sleep so jumped into the Tu-2S-44 for the x2 attempt... Got Krymsk.. Small teams, six players each. Me and some frickinī fighter jocks in La-9s, the odd Yak-15. All Russians speaking klingon in the chat as usual and one blue fighter shoots another blue fighter kinda straight off.. Ok..
Dive down on the west (or whatever, left) to bomb the crap outa the minibases at the rear.. Sneaks in undetected and blows some shit up, kinda proud of myself. From here on it is usually we or them having the advantage. I either get raped (hard) on airfield B or I might get another bomb run in, sometimes even two more.. But it is a hot landing, a furious dog fight takes place 4-5 km away. Even number of capitalizts dogz and commie bastards.. So they canīt really scream in for me, for once.. I take off and sneak into the harbour (harbor for the Yanks? You know where ships live, eat, shit and stuff - mate perhaps? Cargo ships making landing craft kinda..) Bomb the shit outa that base too and a medium tank gets an egg on its sorry head..
Feel kinda proud once again but decide that my sweet ass donīt react well to API-T from Bearcats so head for A... Half way there I spot a Spit Mk. 22 coming for my face.. 3 klicks out.. OK, the only chance I have here is basically to make a retard-on.. But he evades and donīt shoot and just keeps goign.. Sneaky capitalist swine..? Hmm.. I saw some mess about a Spit derping gunz and flak earlier, him? Outa ammo..? He do shadows me though so I sneak to the starting airfield, I see a Yak-15 there..
Spit is six klicks out.. Poor Yak-15.. But better him than me.. Er, I mean we can cooperate (something you can do in this so called team games, whatever..) and have him!
However! There is a Bearcat harassing him, I see when I get close. Fakk.. Ok, letīs see if he wants a head on shall we...

Yepp. He did scratch my paintwork a bit though..
SPitfire is still chasing me though and he might have a few rounds left and wait for a good shot? I scream back for B with him on my a$$.. But, A is then suddenly capped by the bad guys and I see him peel off... Dave can also be sneaky.. And while I hate shooting people on the runway (except Toe) - I kinda have to grab that chance... It is me in a Tu-2 and a Yak-15 vs a Bearcat and SPit Mk. 22..
I dive down and hide behind the hills while I line up the airfield and try to estimate when he is low and slow...
Whoa! The last Bearcat is also just touching down!

I am sure he is real greatful that his mate brought a friend back for tea or samovar or whatever it is called in communist Russia.. Vodka?

Rekt 1.

Rekt 2.

Kinda decent daily double so was kinda happy and showed off a little to that Yak-15. Poor sod didnīt get any kills...

I think the enemies were also happy and impressed, said something about "cyka". I think it means that I am welcome to come and get to know their pretty sisters? Something like that...
Funny thing is that me and Toe was on that map in those aircraft earlier and the fighters failed, as usual - and asked us Tu-2S to come and help to dog fight" vs P-51s and F8Fs.. Yeah, that might work versus retards.. A smart fighter pri.. Pilot donīt fall for that. But here the Tu-2 carried thte day and I got quite a few RPs..
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