i just realized the lead guy on the losing team had 3 more air kills... ahhhhhh lol grr
~ HaKuNa MaTaTa ~
~~ AOD4LiFe ~~ (R.I.P.) MOH:AA division
~~~ Roll Tide Roll ~~~ Alabama Crimson Tide ~~~
I see he had 1 more kill then you, and you were in the M.O.H. division too? That was ways back I heard, (lol) anyway GL. You'll enjoy Russian arcade kills!
I love when u have such a great game a get so much Silver Lions :drooling:
lol i had to save that pic of homer lolol nice
~ HaKuNa MaTaTa ~
~~ AOD4LiFe ~~ (R.I.P.) MOH:AA division
~~~ Roll Tide Roll ~~~ Alabama Crimson Tide ~~~