Glass is full...
It's actually more than half empty, since the bottom is tapered.
I have some spare water I can add to the glass!
"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation."
it is full, seeing as how you never specified what it is filled with the glass is completely full. Some of the components filling it are hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms, as well as nitrogen, more oxygen, and argon.
since we are receiving it with an initial amount of water that is filling only half of the glass, it is half full. It we had gotten it initially full of water, then it was depleted to half of that amount of water, then it would be half empty.
The water is full to the half-way point, however the thick glass base is off-setting the amount of water needed to reach the midway.
Therefore it is less than half full in terms of water volume / total available volume
As mentioned above, the glass is also tapered.
You life is not empty nor is it full but one can fill your life until it overflows.
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I think as a member of the Clan we should all do our part to make sure the glass is full.
The question at it's root is a test of optimism vs pessimism or positivity vs negativity.
Your personal view on the state of the glass may offer some insight into your view on life, taking a positive role in your interactions tends to attract more positive attitudes whereas a negative attitude will tend to breed more negativity.
/oldguyrambling off