Can I have your Tots
Tow cables are hilarious
I lost the replay and stuff but I played a couple of rounds with this one dude in ground forces. We were constantly screwing with each other with the tow cables and it was so much fun. The greatest thing that happened was when he was at the edge of a cliff and I went top speed over the cliff and while I drove passed him I attached the cable and threw him off with me. Some dude on the other team wouldnt stop laughing in the chat cause we hit the ground and I flipped over and my buddy was trying to flip me back over and kill him at the same time. I swear I laughed for a good 15 minutes after that happened, It's one of the funniest things i've ever done on this game.
I love chill dudes like that who just want to have fun, I wish there were more of them on this game:)
A cat's the only cat who knows where it's at
This reminds me of the time me and two others tried to pull someone away. Each in another directin tho (didn't work too well =3)
Danneskjold Repossessions.
AOD Member
We once did a "Two Legged" death race, sort of like a potato-sack race. Basically the rules were that you needed to attach yourself to another tank, and then complete the race. If the tether broke, you needed to do everything possible to get the connection back before you could start racing again.
One round in a random match Aviation was driving near the river when someone clipped him, and pushed one track off the edge of the concrete road. He was stuck. I tried for 2 minutes to pull him out. Finally I decided he wasn't going to get unstuck... so I pushed him in! I pushed him over the last of the edge myself. I still chuckle thinking about it.
"Every day is a beautiful day" Elwood P. Dowd
+1 LOL Need to do that again!
If I'm not back in 5....wait longer!
Great fun. I still am waiting to do a match with the smallest tank on a leash with my Maus. That would be fun.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I
Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!
A cat's the only cat who knows where it's at
Today I tried to tow someone around the map with my reserve tank, didn't work out that well tho :(
Danneskjold Repossessions.
AOD Member
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
Do it clan wide during a match :P
"Every day is a beautiful day" Elwood P. Dowd
It was absolutely hilarious...... Learned one important thing that cost us the 2&3rd races. It makes a big difference who is the tow initiator and who is being towed. Even though during the race you should be close or side by side, in the 2 & 3rd races we staggered because shooting was open. Well if the vehicle being "towed" gets to far ahead of the other tank, it flips the "towing" tank around backwards so you are each under power headed in opposite directions........not so good going anywhere LOL....
Lessons learned....much fun..... Thanks Dannes!!!!
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