Congratulations to everyone this month on their promotions! And a special congratulation to Spec_DocShock on his promotion to Lance Corporal!
Rct_GlassesMyon - Cdt
Rct_Estorile36M3 - Cdt
Rct_Crucified - Cdt
Cdt_Wermp - Pvt
Cdt_EpicBlob - Pvt
Cdt_Trabunco55 - Pvt
Cdt_CupOHemlock - Pvt
Pvt_Vossenstein - Pfc
Pvt_d367ruc70 - Pfc
Pvt_STDnegative - Pfc
Pvt_Crackkkkkk - Pfc
Spec_DocShock - LCpl
To accept your promotion:
Update your forum profile (Go to Settings -> Edit AOD Member Info -> AOD Member Rank -> Save)
Post on the BF4 Division Structure (Click Here!)
Change your Ventrilo Information (Before you connect to the Ventrilo server, clone your Ventrilo account and change your name to the correct rank)