11Kills in a B17 :) Forgot how many ground Targets.....
Boy that Cray Cray.
Hunter... you are a killing machine!
Last edited by Blankwindow; 12-10-2013 at 02:46 AM.
Thouse arent good games, thouse are amazing games.
hunter u nub
you guys farming autobots in HB again?
pretty nice scores there guys.
How'd you do that against a 10 man team?
Nice job!
Well practiced Boom and Zoom dive discipline only staying to "dog fight" when no other enemies near by.
Mostly I just picked them off one by one when they were 5+K from nearest back up. The only time there was more than one to fight was the AI and the last 2 humans who huddled together by there runway which didn't do shit to help them when my hawk came screaming in well in excess of 600 IAS K/hr.
Climb, Dive, Boom, Zoom, Repeat.
This one made me feel good.
50mm troll cannon ME-410 with 21 rounds of 50 mm minegshoft OKO rounds
3 x AI b17 kills, 1 x p63 King Kobra, and 1 x Beaufighter mk 21. All with 50mm. (got some assists from gunners too.
Best assist was on a welly. Missed him with the thumper so switched to gunner view as I passed him sniped both his engines out with gunners before i screamed out of range at 700 IAS. But another ass came and killed the pilot before he slammed in to the ground....
I love this plane it is so underrated. Just take your time and aim shots. it's on shot one kill. And if they are flying straight and level it is extremely easy to hit them from directly behind out to 1.4 K. It is also possible to kit a 2 for 1 shot with the ap rounds. But I don't suggest running ap they are just a giant metal slug so either you hit something critical and kill it or you just make a 6-8in hole. but the 50mm minegshofts will blow any planes wing or tail off in one hit. (well 3 hits to b17 fuselage to disconnect tail, but 1 if you directly hit the tail itself.)
Anyway its only level 8. Try it out anytime when they have bonuses for beaufighters (like yesterday) or hardest day is the only map in rotation. As it trumps beaufighters hands down. The gunners can easily snipe out beafighters pilot before they cannon kill you. And if they in front of you. One hit anywhere on them and they are dead.
And like I said most people will try and outrun you on the level and stay flying straight and level when your 1 to 2K away. and with vert targeting on and 400m convergence\vert range set. I was nailing heavy fighters and bombers at 1.4K simply by putting the target crosshair right on the top of their tail. And it either blew their tail off or blew the wing off, or literally made the whole plane explode in to bits. One Shot, One kill, They have no idea whats coming till BOOM.
And if you miss the first shot. Most people seem to assume it was a destroyer snipe and not attempt to evade any.
when hardest day was the only map in rotations so there was like 20-30 beaufighters in queue at any one time. Me and Gameovergreg started to take it out and found it to be the true beaufighter killer. Yesterday had 1.3x money bonus on Beaufighters so I brought out the old thumper and had some rounds like above. (its fun even without beau spam, but it isn't as effect against fighters. though I did kill a p63 at .4 so it isn't impossible with 50mm.
oh you must have atleast 50 points in to weapon maintenance on the pilot of this plane or the 50mm wont be accurate beyond 700-800m because of cone of fire. once you have 50 points or higher it is lazer accurate out to 2K and but max true effective range is 1.4-1.5K
EDIT: note until you unlock the air belt for the 50mm the AP rounds in the early belt and the other shell type can make it real hit or miss. But just stick with it till you get 50mm Air Target\Minegshoft and it becomes 100% guaranteed one shot kill.
Had to sit for 5 minutes and wait for my 3 ai (Shoji, Shinya, Alex) to kill the last enemy ai (ryo) on the other side. Because my engine died just short of repair range. (I was inside the motherfucking AA circle)
and 3 on 1 with all 3 within .2 of him. and ryo still managed to shoot alex down
Took me out a d3a1, h6k4, and 2x ki-43.
The H6k4 killed my engine right before\after\as I blew both wings off with rockets. I thought i had killed all gunners. but missed one apparently. for sure kill the 20mm before i ever got close to his tail.
You know talking about nazi armament and calling your self a grammar nazi seems kind of apprapoe
Last edited by Blankwindow; 12-16-2013 at 09:09 PM.
The Me-410's will get better in 1.37.
I already love my thumper.... I snipe with it routinely out to 1.4 K if they are flying straight and level. and have gotten a single hail merry never gonna be able to do again long shot on b17s on bulge from 3.5 K (only took 5 shots to get the arc right....)
Telling me its getting better.... I'm foaming at the mouth now for 1.37
And can you be more specific as to how they will be better?