just wanted to say i appreciate the time i have been haveing with AOD, playing with u guys is always fun. not only whooping butt but haveing laughs while doing it :). thanks for leting me be part of this badass clan.
just wanted to say i appreciate the time i have been haveing with AOD, playing with u guys is always fun. not only whooping butt but haveing laughs while doing it :). thanks for leting me be part of this badass clan.
We're glad to have you! You're a blast to fly with.
I'd like to second Rivas2012's appreciation and to thank all of the AOD members who have helped me for a fantastic orientation and introduction to the squadron. I did a good deal of research on different squadrons before I decided on applying to AOD and it's already clear I made the right choice. The organization and commitment to sportsmanship and the code of ethics is impressive . I have a lot to learn, particularly about effective squad flying and the willingness of everyone I've talked with to lend a helping hand is fantastic. I've had a blast flying with y'all the last week and look forward to many years of fun in the friendly skies to come.
Man.....I leave you boyz alone for 5 minutes and you all start hugging each other.
i concur. I enjoy flying with you all (even if i have not been around much, job hunt and all)
i just read all of these ROFL omg SOOOo funny..lol...u guys are awesome
Pnut.You're doing fine Man. Squad flying/Support roles are hard to define in the beginning. I find it helps to fly w/those that are either TOTALLY like You or TOTALLY dissimilar. For instance. Me/ZaWartex fly nearly identically. We use comm's quite a bit,and have overlapped wings chasing a guy,inverted,never touched. Its instinctive. On the other hand,DaveSchilling is a completely oppo player to the type I am. Yet, we both know high/low cover,quadrants,etc,again using comm's frequently. Just get in the air,have fun!
Bringing BedrockBedlam to a Map near YOU"If ur gonna ride My ass,You better pull My hair
Yeah, I have a really great time flying with you Pnut - brave, competent, know what needs to be done - and does it, fun to talk to etc. Just so ya knows! ;)
Thanks BRubble, same there, I agree and we do good together. I fly a bit different with my nations. Not always that brave with my Brits and US to some agree - because I often do worse them... I am more defensively (unless it is a Wellie) but I can now and then obliterate bad guys from your behinds atleast...
For the Krauts and Soviets I throw my planes into the mess. Die more but achive more as well - atleast more for the win, that is not always true with my Brit fighters, I mostly shoot down fighters with those but I try to go for tunnel visioned ones on team mates or high scoring bad guys. Maybe that helps.
Ah, have alot to add here, but later, need to fly with the Master (DW) and Hitman..
Yup having played with several different divisions in AOD. awesome bunch to play with regardless of what game your playing.
glad you enjoy it, it is people like yourself that make AOD a great group to play with