It's here!!
AOD Plane Decal Contest - Reloaded!
Alright guys (and girl), you asked for it and we've delivered:
Another Plane Decal Contest!!!
With the recent updates, there have been AN ABSOFRICKENLUTELY LOT of new decals added. Now there is simply no excuse for mediocrity or lack of options. So get out there and get those creative juices flowing (moist towelettes available for every day low SuperSaver price of 50 cents each) and send in your submissions.
Just like last time, the rules are simple-
1) This is for plane decals only, not the custom user skins. Not that we don't appreciate the inner artist in you, but in order to keep a level playing field your creation must completely consist of only the artwork that is presently made available to all players in game.
2) Only 2 submissions per pilot. For those of you with a plethora of material that just doesn't quite make the cut, but still wanting to share, you can post our extras in this thread here. Note- if another player borrows upon your posted ideas and submits as their own artwork, this is completely valid!
3) All submissions must contain a hanger screenshot showing which decals were used, as well as 1 or 2 (maximum) screenshots of the plane from different angles to show off your work.
4) The forum moderators have the right to delete, modify, or redact any submissions that may possible garner more votes than their own creations
5) Submissions must be posted here, in this thread, by midnight PST May 31st. No late entries will be accepted!! (unless you are prepared to be VERY generous)
6) Entries submitted for the first Plane Decal Contest, even if they did not win, are not eligible
So get out there and show us what you've got!!!!!!!!