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Had a few tonight. For my US x2 drew Saipan in my F2A3. Got tiered in with 3 F6's a Corsair and two spit IIbs. Take off and start the usual (for me) climb somewhere other than straight at the engagement area. Within the first minute 2 x KI-45 Ko's crash an F1M2 and a KI-61. Now it is 4 v. 8 and I am 10 miles from everyone. Luckily while the opposing team is getting smashed out of the air (KI-43 and another Ki-61) I see in the message window that a G4M1 killed a cargo ship. Only one place for him to be and he must be low since he is bombing cargo ships. I will descend below the clouds and find him, but he is at 6000 meter and the Buf is not the raciest climber. I start lumbering back up and the corsair starts hauling ass toward the bomber. Damn I will end up with no points. After two incredibly bad overshoots by the corsair I reach 5000m and the G4 turns to their airfield and starts to dive. The corsair is screaming toward him should have been no way to catch him, but somehow I did without blowing off my little wings. Then the corsair overshoots again so I take my shots and down goes the bomber. This has taken about 5-6 min with the corsair engaging for 3 or so. I get the kill he gets mad and shoots at me. I think they were the only hits he got all game. Finally starts to connect with a tiny fighter when he couldn't hit a giant bomber? I don't get why I am always paired with the idiots. Guess I really am the shortbus commander.