Jedi Knight
What made you interested in joining AOD?
I have tried to play movie battles but cannot seem to get itto work and a server said this clan is recruiting.
What is your in game name?
Who referred you?
no one
Do you have any clan experience?
I have been playing swtor since launch, and was active during the mandalorian civil war on the jung ma server as a member multiple clans who fought on the side of mandalore the vindicated
Are you currently in any other clans or guilds?
not actively
Do you have a Mic?
Have you ever used TeamSpeak?
What is your Steam Profile link?
Do you have any competitive experience in ladders or tournaments?
Timezone or Location
eastern standard time
Tell us more about yourself
I am an elistest gamer, i strive to be the best and love everything star wars. i know more about the history before movies than i do about after the movies.
Did you read the thread titled "Read Before Joining AOD" - LINK?